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Matt Finn

Board Member

What do you do professionally? 

I work for Johnson and Johnson in the MedTech sector. I'm in the contracting organization and am responsible for developing offers for hospital systems. Previously, I've had roles in Pricing, Contract Strategy and Marketing.


Tell us about yourself.

My wife and I have been married for 26 years. We have two boys. Patrick is a junior at Temple University. Jasper is a junior at MHS.  We all love to travel.  


How did you get involved in MEF?

I responded to a call for volunteers several years ago. MEF was recruiting new board and committee members. I attended a new member event and was incredibly impressed by the mission of MEF and the passion of the board and committee leads.


What is your role/responsibilities?

I'm currently a board member. A few years ago I helped develop some of the grant metrics we use in our impact report. The Marketing team does an amazing job integrating our grant metrics into our messaging. I have been involved with Circus Smirkus in the past and always have a great time volunteering at the 5k.


What do you like about being involved in MEF?

It is incredibly rewarding to be a part of this organization. Every minute spent being a part of our fundraising activities goes toward bringing to life new, creative ideas developed by the educators of the Marshfield School District.  


What has been the highlight of your involvement with MEF?

The grant award ceremony is the highlight every year. We all have an opportunity to meet the amazing educations of Marshfield School District and hear about each of their grant proposals that we were able to fund. The energy and excitement from the group is amazing.


What is your favorite memory from your K-12 education?

I think back fondly of the teachers I had throughout my K-12 education that brought enthusiasm both to their class each day but also about the subject matter. Those same qualities are what drives the teachers of MPSD to develop creative ideas, take time to write a grant proposal and then implement their idea with the help of MEF.

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