Superintendent, Marshfield Public Schools
What do you do professionally?
I am the Superintendent for the Marshfield Public Schools
Tell us about yourself.
I am married to my amazing wife Karen. I have three children; Will (24), Katy (21) and Kelly (18). We have a 4 year old Australian cattle dog/black lab mix (Nala) and a black/white cat named Finn (2 years old). As for hobbies, I would say golfing and fishing are my favorites.
How did you get involved in MEF?
When I came on as Superintendent in 2015, I was fortunate enough to be brought into the fold with this amazing organization.
What is your role/responsibilities?
I am a non-voting board member, but I serve as one of the key liaisons between the MEF and the District.
What do you like about being involved in MEF?
The amazing people. They are all so dedicated to our students and staff and spend every moment working with me to help improve the district. It is truly a dream for every Superintendent to have an organization like the MEF working with them.
What has been the highlight of your involvement with MEF?
The day to day victories their help brings the district, but also to be there as they surpassed $1 million in grants was pretty special.
What is your favorite memory from your K-12 education?
My favorite memory from my own K-12 education was the impact my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Burke, had on me as a young learner. I have thought about her a lot over my career in education.