Erin Russo
Board Member
What do you do professionally?
I am a certified pediatric nurse and have worked at Boston Children's Hospital for 25 years. In December, I completed my master’s degree as a Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Doctor of Nursing Practice. I look forward to entering primary care and focusing on mental health as these are both areas which desperately need more healthcare providers
Tell us about yourself.
I have been married to Tim Russo for 19 years. We have two sons - Joseph (age 16), who attends BCH and Liam (age 13), who attends FBMS. Our beloved, sweet, rescue dog, Nachi, is an 8-year-old husky/malamute.
I have not had time for many hobbies, as I have been pursuing my dual degree over the past 3.5 years. I look forward to getting back to hiking and road biking next year when I have free time. I once did a 510-mile bike ride from Fairbanks to Anchorage, AK in 2000.
How did you get involved in MEF?
After successfully leading the pursuit of full-day kindergarten for all in Marshfield, I wanted to find another way to be involved in helping to enhance education for all students. I saw how MEF grants were benefitting my children who both attended GWS and FBMS. I loved the mission of MEF and attended a recruitment event. I have been involved with MEF for the past 6 years.
What is your role/responsibilities?
I am a board member and a member of the Grant Committee and Circus Smirkus.
What do you like about being involved in MEF?
I love being able to support the teachers and supportive staff (including OT’s, PTs, etc.), at all grade levels, in developing creative ways and resources to enhance education. My doctoral project focused on the mental health of children and collaborating with schools to help to improve social and emotional well-being, since students spend so much of their time in the school setting. MEF aligns with my personal and professional beliefs that the educational setting and teachers are integral to positive future outcomes for children.
What has been the highlight of your involvement with MEF?
The greatest highlight of my involvement with MEF is hearing children talk about the grants we have supported and watching them in action. I once had the opportunity to go around GWS and take pictures of grants in action. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm of the teachers and students.
What is your favorite memory from your K-12 education?
My favorite memory from K-12 education was in high school economics class. Our teacher had us do a project in which we had to select a career and develop a lifestyle based on that income, including housing, a car, food, and utilities. We had to interview someone in the profession and even figure out student loans to pay back. It was such a creative and impactful learning experience. The teacher was enthusiastic and supportive during the project and believe she helped to prepare me for the future, as I was the first one in my family to be able to attend college.