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Mary Anne Patch Faith


What do you do professionally? 

I'm the Controller for Mason Sub-Contractor. Professionally, I've been in Construction Accounting for over 15 years. 


Tell us about yourself.

My husband and I met when we were 19 and have been together since. I have a 17 year old son and 14 year old daughter who both attend Marshfield schools. Our English Springer Spaniel keeps us entertained...way more entertained than our 6 chickens. As a family we survive the long New England winters by skiing lots!


How did you get involved in MEF?

I was asked years ago during my then current role as EWS PTO Treasurer, if I had any interest in helping out with MEF as the Treasurer position was opening up. 


What is your role/responsibilities? 

I am the Treasurer of MEF, which is year round as "money doesn't sleep." Ensuring our annual taxes are filed, monthly reconciliations, and overall general bookkeeping are some of the tasks I handle. Being in the Treasurer role I have the unique opportunity to be involved with nearly every committee and Board Member at MEF as the finances are interlocked with our fundraising events all year long.

What do you like about being involved in MEF?

I enjoy the fact that MEF covers all the students and teachers of the Marshfield Public School System K-12, not just one age group. It's a great way to volunteer your time when you have children at different schools with age gaps. 


What has been the highlight of your involvement with MEF?

This past grant cycle award was MEF's largest award yet. It was nice to be in a role that allocated that money to the Grant Committee.

What is your favorite memory from your K-12 education?

When I was in seventh grade, it was tradition for our whole grade to go away to overnight camp for a week. Escaping classes and parents for a whole week was a great memory!

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